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Sofiia Yesakova / Sascha Kregel
Black Wall
30 august 2025 - 9 november 2025

We are pleased to present the first exhibition of the young Ukrainian artist Sofiia Yesakova and the German sound artist Sascha Kregel in Denmark. 

Vi er glade for at kunne præsentere den første udstilling af den unge ukrainske kunstner Sofiia Yesakova og den tyske lydkunstner Sascha Kregel i Danmark. 


Sofiia Yesakova moved to Berlin shortly after Russia invaded her home country. Since then, she has been dealing intensively with the war, its horrors, its dynamics and its consequences.

The artist works with minimal elements. Her pictures are based on traditional forms of representation from Christian Renaissance painting, which she ‘updates’ by replacing them with scenarios and phenomena of war in her home country. History repeats itself.

This may not be recognisable at first glance, but the religious reference is made clear not least by the technique of Orthodox icon painting, which Sofiia studied intensively at the academy in Kyiv and in which her pictures are produced.

Sofiia Yesakova flyttede til Berlin kort efter, at Rusland havde invaderet hendes hjemland. Siden da har hun beskæftiget sig intensivt med krigen, dens rædsler, dens dynamik og dens konsekvenser.

Kunstneren arbejder med minimale elementer. Hendes billeder er baseret på traditionelle repræsentationsformer fra det kristne renæssancemaleri, som hun »opdaterer« ved at erstatte dem med scenarier og fænomener fra krigen i hendes hjemland. Historien gentager sig selv.

Det er måske ikke genkendeligt ved første øjekast, men den religiøse reference tydeliggøres ikke mindst af teknikken i det ortodokse ikonmaleri, som Sofiia har studeret intensivt på akademiet i Kiev, og som hendes billeder er produceret i.

For our exhibition, we have asked the artist to transform the exhibition hall into a kind of chapel, a place of contemplation in which her works enter into a dialogue with sounds by the artist Sascha Kregel, showing that contemporary art has not lost its topicality even in the face of horror and can be more than just a game with aesthetic possibilities.

Til vores udstilling har vi bedt kunstneren om at omdanne udstillingssalen til et slags kapel, et sted for kontemplation, hvor hendes værker går i dialog med lyde af kunstneren Sascha Kregel og viser, at samtidskunsten ikke har mistet sin aktualitet, selv i lyset af rædslen, og kan være mere end blot en leg med æstetiske muligheder.


Sofiia Yesakova was born 1998 in Kyiv and did her master’s degree there at the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture. 

She has already had numerous exhibitions in the Ukraine as well as in other European countries, at last at the Contemporary Cluster Gallery in Rome, Italy; at the Antwerp Art Box, Belgium or at the Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany among others.

Sofiia Yesakova er født i 1998 i Kiev, hvor hun tog sin mastergrad på National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture. 

Hun har allerede haft adskillige udstillinger i Ukraine såvel som i andre europæiske lande, senest på Contemporary Cluster Gallery i Rom, Italien; på Antwerp Art Box, Belgien eller på Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Berlin, Tyskland blandt andre.


Sascha Kregel (*1989) is a sound artist who uses drawings as random generators for tonal ghost grids and scales. The sounds produced range from a-rhythmic minimal patterns to resonance fields and noises.

Sascha Kregel completed his degree in Fine Arts at the Braunschweig University of Art in 2018. He received a grant from the Kölnischer Kunstverein and now lives and works in Worpswede. His works have been shown in group exhibitions at the studios of the Kölnischer Kunstverein (2020/2019), Galerie Dechanatstraße Bremen (2018), Kunstverein Braunschweig (2017), Shoot the Lobster in New York (2017) and the Museum für Photographie in Braunschweig (2016), among others.

Sascha Kregel (*1989) er en lydkunstner, der bruger tegninger som tilfældige generatorer for tonale ghost grids og skalaer. De frembragte lyde spænder fra a-rytmiske minimalmønstre til resonansfelter og støj.

Sascha Kregel afsluttede sin uddannelse i billedkunst ved Braunschweig University of Art i 2018. Han modtog et stipendium fra Kölnischer Kunstverein og bor og arbejder nu i Worpswede. Hans værker har været vist på gruppeudstillinger i Kölnischer Kunstvereins atelierer (2020/2019), Galerie Dechanatstraße Bremen (2018), Kunstverein Braunschweig (2017), Shoot the Lobster i New York (2017) og Museum für Photographie i Braunschweig (2016), blandt andre.

Sofiia Yesakova_Blind Spot.jpg

Sofiia Yesakova, Blind Spot, 2023 - ongoing, 40 x 40 x 5 cm,

Acrylic, gesso, gelatine on wooden board, Photo: Courtesy the artist

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